10 events found.
Transplant Hope Foundation
The Transplant Hope Foundation Annual scramble event. For more information log onto transplanthopefoundation.org.
American Foundrymen Association Golf Outing
Culbertson Hills Golf ResortHosted by Culbertson Hills for over 25 years, The American Foundrymen Association Golf Tournament is a six man scramble for the Merriman Trophy!!!Tee Times available before 9AM and after 5PM.
Edinboro University Football Team Golf Outing
Culbertson Hills Golf ResortFundraiser for the EUP Football program....1:00 shotgun start....call 732-2000 and ask for the football office for more details.
Curly Halmi Game Dinner
Culbertson Hills Golf ResortGeneral McLane Wrestling Fundraiser
Hosted by the GM Wrestling Boosters. For more information contact Wayne Lloyd at 814-824-9997 or Mary Beth Salisbury at 814-602-0742